INCB President speaks at 6th Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control


INCB President speaks at 6th Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control

8 October 2014

The President of INCB, Dr. Lochan Naidoo, made available a key note address at the Sixth Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control on 7 October 2014.

In his statement, Dr. Naidoo drew the attention of the gathering of ministers and senior officials to the need to increase capacity to prevent, treat and rehabilitate from drug addiction, the need to ensure adequate availability of control substances for medical purpose in order to protect the health of the peoples of Africa, and the urgent need to further train health care professionals and competent authorities to further these goals.

Dr. Naidoo drew attention to the key role of Governments in promoting and protecting the international rule of law governing health and drug control, and drew attention to the flaws in the arguments of advocates of facile solutions and drew attention to the fact that much of the problem rested with inappropriate implementation of the requirements of the international drug control agreements.

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