Survey: Share your examples of unintended consequences!


Survey: Share your examples of unintended consequences!

23 February 2016
Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN)

Current drug policies continue to have negative health and social impact in CEECA, and also to result in human rights violations, corruption and emergence of new drugs. This negative impact is regarded as a side effect or unintended consequences of zero tolerance policy and criminalization of drug use and drug possession.

High-level decision-makers may not always understand links between police raids and increased overdose mortality. They may not know how criminalization of drug use may lead to police violence against women. The relation between the lack of state support for substitution treatment programs and high HIV mortality rates may be also unclear to those who are in charge of drug policy on the country level.

EHRN encourages you to make these links known to your countries' decision-makers by a strong regional action. Document and submit online examples of unintended consequences of current drug policies.

Based on your submissions, EHRN will produce educational and advocacy materials which you can use in the process of preparation for UNGASS on Drugs and your further drug policy advocacy work.

To submit your examples of unintended consequences of drug policies, please fill in this questionnaire.

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