Sandra Bermúdez

Members' Advisory Council

Sandra Bermúdez

Representative of farmers of crops deemed illicit (Viso Mutop)

Sandra Bermúdez is a sociologist and a specialist in regional development planning and administration, with a Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Development Studies and more than 25 years of experience in research, design and implementation of regional development strategies and projects. Sandra is currently leading the Viso Mutop Corporation, a civil society organization that monitors and promotes drug policy reforms (and a member of IDPC). She is also a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). During the last few years, Sandra has been a researcher, consultant and project coordinator on issues of regional development, governance, territorial planning, alternative development, and settlement in the Amazon region. She has worked in international, national and regional public and private institutions such as the Ministry of the Environment, the Amazon Institute for Scientific Research (SINCHI), the Presidential Indigenous Program, the Restrepo Barco Foundation, the National Agency for Overcoming Extreme Poverty, the Department for Social Prosperity, the District Secretariat for Social Integration in Bogotá, and USAID, among others.
