WHO improves its information-sharing process by introducing a new single-source repository, representing the only online, freely accessible collection of information and reports on new psychoactive substances and medicines.
INPUD, WHO and UNODC update WHO's Consolidated guidelines on HIV, viral hepatitis and STI prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care in relation to people who inject drugs.
IDPC call on the ECDD to consider the profound impacts of legal and policy choices that may be triggered by international scheduling and to take the lessons from past national controls duly into account before taking any further steps towards bringing kratom under international control.
Urgent action is needed to ensure that national systems improve access to controlled medicines for people affected by emergencies, including pandemics, and climate-related disasters.
This IDPC advocacy note provides recommendations on both tramadol and cannabis, with the hope that it will inform the discussions of the WHO's ECDD for its meeting in November.
In this advocacy note, IDPC offers some analysis and key recommendations on CBD and tramadol to inform the ECDD’s meeting set to take place in November 2017.