
EHRN seminar “Getting involved with the Global Fund”

17 December 2012

On November 20-22, 2012, in Kyiv, Ukraine, EHRN conducted a regional seminar “Getting involved with the Global Fund: how to address community systems and TB counteraction challenges in Eurasia”. The seminar was organized withn EHRN’s Civil Society Action Team (CSAT) project with the financial support of the GIZ, Stop TB Partnership and Open Society Foundations.

The idea of organizing a workshop specific to the NGOs working as sub- and sub-sub recipients of the Global Fund TB grants came after a successful workshop for NGOs GF HIV grants in June 2012. And as so far there are few efforts specific towards TB NGOs supported through the Global Fund grants and TB voices are weak in the country and global level structures related to the Global Fund in EECA, while intensified responses to TB needed - it was decided to organize a similar event for NGOs working in the TB field.

The regional seminar gathered 16 representatives from TB-affected community and civil-society organizations engaged with the Global Fund to review how improve their involvement as sub-recipients, sub-sub-recipients or members of Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs). The geography of the participants covered 5 countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine. The seminar was held in the Russian language.

The regional seminar was facilitated by Ms. Raminta Stuikyte, European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), independent consultant on public health, drug policy and civil society, and Dr. Nonna Turusbekova, independent consultant TBC Consult | HRM for Health. It was also supported by experts: Ms. Elena Zaytseva from the Global Fund’s Secretariat, Ms. Irina Zatușevski from PAS, an NGO taking the role of Principal Recipient in Moldova, Mr. Alexandr Curașov from the Communities Delegation to the Global Fund Board, and Mr. Ivan Varentsov from EHRN CSAT.

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