
Rethinking US Drug Policy

23 February 2011

US Drug War Has Failed - Time to Push the Reset Button

According to Rethinking US Drug Policy, a report released by the Inter-American Dialogue in collaboration with the Beckley Foundation, what is most needed now is a far-reaching debate on alternative approaches that could reduce the risks and damage from the trafficking and abuse of illicit drugs. The report proposes a series of US government initiatives that would set the stage for a thorough rethinking of US drug policy:

  • Support recent Congressional initiatives to establish House and Senate commissions to review US anti-drug strategies and develop alternative approaches;
  • Join with other nations to organize an inter-governmental task force on narcotics strategy that would review and appraise global drug policies;
  • Revise outdated UN treaties that underpin the international narcotics regime;
  • Expand data collection, analysis, and research on multiple aspects of drug problems and the policies and programs designed to address them;and
  • Identify and scale up successful drug programs that promise to reduce drug addiction and the health risks to addicts, increase the prospects of rehabilitation, and decrease drug-related crimes.

On February 10, the Inter-American Dialogue will hold a public discussion on the findings and recommendations of the report at an event on Capitol Hill. The Inter-American Dialogue is the leading US center for policy analysis, exchange, and communication on issues in Western Hemisphere affairs. The Dialogue brings together public and private leaders from across the Americas to address hemispheric problems and opportunities.

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