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Civil Society Task Force (CSTF) - Evaluation
The Civil Society Task Force (CSTF) was a joint initiative of the Vienna and New York NGO Committees on Drugs, with the goal of ensuring and supporting strong civil society participation in the build-up to the High-Level Ministerial Segment of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs in March 2019, and at the meeting itself. For more information about the CSTF and its work, please visit
This short survey has been designed to evaluate the levels of participation and satisfaction of civil society organisations with the CSTF and the Ministerial Segment. We estimate that this survey should take around 10 minutes to complete online.The survey will stay online until September 20, 2019.
The survey has been prepared in English. To translate into other languages, please open the survey with the Google Chrome browser, and right click for the option to translate. You may respond to the survey in any language.
To access the survey, click here.
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- Civil Society Task Force (CSTF)