Health responses to NPS (Videos)
The availability of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in Europe has rapidly increased over the last decade, as seen by the growing numbers of seizures reported to the EU Early Warning System (EWS) and via standard monitoring mechanisms. The number of new substances detected also continues to grow, with 101 new drugs detected in 2014.
In European countries, initial responses to the emergence of NPS have been predominantly regulatory in nature, focused on tackling their supply using legislative tools. Increasingly, however, attention is being paid to developing targeted education and prevention activities, as well as training and awareness-raising activities for professionals.
Information on health responses to NPS use and harms is emerging but, in many cases, remains anecdotal. Data reveal that drug users presenting, or at risk of, NPS-related harms are observed, or may seek help and information in, a variety of settings.
School and family setting: responses to new psychoactive substances
Sexual health settings: responses to new psychoactive substances
Nightlife settings: responses to new psychoactive substances
Specialised treatment: responses to new psychoactive substances
Hospital emergencies: responses to new psychoactive substances
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Thumbnail: EMCDDA