Heroin-assisted treatment works. Why is Canada denying it to patients?


Heroin-assisted treatment works. Why is Canada denying it to patients?

22 November 2013

Imagine you have a chronic illness. After exhausting all resources, and failing all available treatments, you participate in a clinical trial of a new treatment. And, success—the treatment works. Your energy is back, you hold a steady job, your relationships improve, you feel strong and happy.

Then, the clinical trial ends. Despite international research ethics that state you should be allowed to continue on clinical trial medicines and other treatments if they work, your right to this medicine is denied.

What would you do?

With the support of Pivot Legal Society, five Canadian patients faced with this problem—Deborah Bartosch, Charles English, Douglas Lidstrom, Larry Love, and David Murray—are suing their federal government on behalf of all Canadians who could benefit from this treatment.

Click here to read the full article.

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