IDPC holds first Law Enforcement Seminar in Malaysia
The IDPC Law Enforcement project took a big step forward in December 2009 with the first seminar taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Royal Malaysia Police Force. The seminar was organised in partnership with the Malaysia AIDS Council (MAC).
Earlier in 2009, IDPC had proposed a seminar as a means of engaging senior law enforcement officials in promoting the integration of harm reduction policies into law enforcement activity. This seminar was attended by 29 senior Royal Malaysia Police Officers, four AADK officers, eight RELA personnel and six staff of the MAC attended.
The seminar covered a range of topics including talks by people living with HIV, a presentation by Dr Alex Wodak and a number of sessions led by Tom Lloyd QPM MA(Oxon), former UK Chief Constable, who leads the IDPC project, on how law enforcement can work more effectively with other agencies to improve their harm reduction performance. The participants contributed enthusiastically to the debates and produced an impressive list of 34 recommendations that have been incorporated in the report on the seminar for the attention of the Royal Malaysia Police senior leadership.