Stigma & addiction, where do we stand today?
By Dianova
When: 15:00 (Madrid)
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It is now a known fact that the stigma that surrounds drug use and addictive behaviours can dramatically impact people’s lives at all levels. Stigma toward people who use drugs not only affects the emotional, mental, and physical states of individuals, but also their ability to find and keep a job or a place to live, and even their social relationships. Stigma makes it harder for people to reach out for help. It delays their seeking adequate treatment and hinders their accessing and remaining in treatment programmes. Lastly, addiction-related discrimination experiences can be further amplified by people’s conditions of vulnerability.This event will delve into stigma from an intersectional approach, i.e., how different axes of life may converge toward stigma- and discrimination-related experiences that negatively impact people’s rights. Lastly, speakers will draw up practical recommendations on how to implement this approach and contribute to addressing the stigma of addiction. Speakers:
• René Stamm - Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland
• María Otero, UISCE- Advocacy for People who use drugs, Ireland
• Sabina Bredova, Civic association Prima, Slovakia
• Ricardo Fuertes, Harm reduction and LGTB + activist, Portugal
• Moderation: Gisela Hansen - Dianova