Family Wikipedia CC Eric Ward
How to talk to kids about drugs
Talking to young people about drugs is not an easy task, and what we know from research is that our gut instinct on doing so are often more harmful than helpful.
We are here to help, and will be putting on a full two hour session in which we will cover in depth how you can talk to kids about drugs effectively. We have experience talking to teens about this topic at schools. The session will be informative, fun and insightful. You will leave with a booklet highlighting all the key points discussed and be given an opportunity to ask any questions.
This talk focuses specifically on techniques and ways of talking to young people and is not a general drugs awareness session. We do however provide general drugs awareness sessions so please check out our other events.
Key areas covered
When should you start talking to kids about drugs?
How can you talk to kids effectively?
What should you avoid doing?
What interventions can you use if a kid starts using drugs?
How do you get help? (both you and the kid)
Q+A session
This workshop is delivered by Paul North. Paul worked in drug treatment for nine years and ran young people’s drug services for five. He trains professionals on drugs, addiction and intervention and works for a drug policy think tank in London. Paul is an entertaining speaker and exceptionally passionate about issues surrounding drugs and addiction.