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Ninth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting
Prevention Technologies – improving the use of evidence in prevention practice.
Abstract submission is now open – closing date Monday 4th June 2018 1700 CET.
Translating research findings into prevention policy and practice remains a challenge, and despite the development of strategies to improve uptake, there is frequently a gap between research evidence and what is delivered. This wastes public resources, and means that target groups are unable to receive those interventions and other types of support that might be of most benefit to them. Reviews of evidence translation strategies have concluded that whilst passive approaches such as simply publishing research evidence are useful in raising awareness of effective prevention actions, these are ineffective in changing actual practice, and unlikely to result in improvements in outcomes for target groups. The uptake of research in practice is often related to the complexity of those research findings and ‘trialability’ in different contexts, whereby those findings that are difficult to implement, and cannot be tried out and evaluated at a local level are most likely to be ignored.
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