Seek, Keep, Treat: What does it mean for service provision?


Seek, Keep, Treat: What does it mean for service provision?

2 February 2018

Scottish Drugs Forum is pleased to host this conference to explore the implications of new Scottish Government strategy on drug treatment.

Early booking is advised
£95 SDF members / £120 non-members

This event should be of interest to policy influencers; those planning, commissioning and delivering drug services and those involved in providing services to people who have a drug problem.

Confirmed speakers include –

Dr John Budd, Edinburgh Project – John chaired the Expert Group on Older Drug Users and is a member of the PADS group advising the Government of drug-related harm

John Hinton, Executive Director, Move On – Move On services include community-based intensive support, group work including employability, personal development and pre-vocational training, mentoring, befriending, volunteering, aftercare, peer education, guidance, advice and information.