Book presentation by Robert Lessmann: “Der Drogenkrieg in den Anden“ (The War on Drugs in  the Andes)


Book presentation by Robert Lessmann: “Der Drogenkrieg in den Anden“ (The War on Drugs in the Andes)

7 March 2016

On the occasion of this years 59th Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna, there will be two related civil-society events, with IDPC-participation.

On Wednesday 16th, the Lateinamerika-Institut invites to a book presentation by Robert Lessmann: “Der Drogenkrieg in den Anden“ (The War on Drugs in the Andes).

Departing from Lessmanns book Coletta Youngers (WOLA/IDPC) and Martin Jelsma (TNI) will talk about challenges for drug-policy reform, preparations and perspectives of the UNGASS 2016.

Moderation: Ralf Leonhard.

Wednesday 16th March, 19:00, Lateinamerika-Institut, Europa-Saal, Türkenstr. 25, 1090 Vienna.

About the book: The fight against drugs in the Andes can be seen as a prototype. The recently released book "The drug war in the Andes. From the beginning to the 1990s" by Robert Lessmann analyzed the baseline, driving forces, achievements and contradictions of this policy and thus provides indispensable historical basis for the current debate on reform of international drug policy.

Further information available here, in german.

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Thumbnail: Wikimedia Commons

Vienna, Austria
Start16 March 2016
End15 March 2016

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  • Martin Jelsma
  • Coletta Youngers
