22nd Ibero-American Summit 2012


22nd Ibero-American Summit 2012

10 April 2012

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero appeared together with the President of Paraguay, the country hosting the 21st Ibero-American Summit, and the President of Panama, where it will be held in 2013, to give his thanks for the selection of Spain, and specifically Cadiz, to host the following Summit.

The Cadiz Summit will have a great historic content, since it coincides with the celebratory events of the Spanish Constitution of 1812, and "will help to firm up our ties even more" indicated José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in his address to the leaders of the Ibero-American Summit in Paraguay during the press conference that brought the meeting to its conclusion.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero had already addressed all the delegations present at the Summit to thank them for the effort made in favour of the development of the countries comprising the Summit and to remind them that this would be the last meeting he attended as President of the Government of Spain. "It has been an honour", asserted the President of the Government at the plenary session.

The Ibero-American Summit is a mechanism of political coordination that brings together Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries from Europe and America. The series of meetings and events associated with the Summit comprise the Ibero-American Conference which take place throughout the year.

The Conference is the platform created by the Heads of State and Government of the Ibero-American countries, Andorra, Spain and Portugal to debate a thematic agenda of common interest and to define programmes to enhance progress towards an area of well-being and social cohesion.

In addition to the Summit, the Conference includes meetings of National Coordinators and Heads of Cooperation, ministerial meetings, business and civic meetings, as well as cultural and academic events, and other events which involve the participation of public and private institutions coordinated by the host country.

Preparation for the Summit is run by the troika of countries comprising the country exercising the Pro Tempore Secretariat (Spain), the country hosting the previous edition (Paraguay, 2011) and the country that will host the following edition (Panama, 2013).

The Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB) , which has its headquarters in Madrid, is the permanent body providing institutional and technical support to the Ibero-American Conference.

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Cadiz, Spain
Start15 November 2012
End16 November 2012
