This report discusses alternatives to cannabis prohibition, highlighting that these should not be viewed as a binary choice between prohibition and a for-profit commercial model.
This publication explores how the growth of the cannabis social clubs model in Spain demonstrates that cannabis legalisation does not necessarily lead to commercialisation.
This report analyses the living conditions of transgender female sex workers in Beijing and Shanghai, and highlights the need to guarantee their access to health and HIV treatment services.
Further epidemiological studies on this area are needed to prevent drug use and health care for young people that have a risky or problematic drug use.
This report examines individual-level factors that predict the use of public health services in 23 Latin American and Caribbean countries, where there is significant variation in the percentage of citizens who access such services.
The Executive Director pledged to meet the three-fold increase in funding that is needed for civil society to effectively conduct HIV advocacy and service provision.
Since the first retail marijuana stores opened on January 1st, 2014, the state of Colorado has benefited from a decrease in crime rates and traffic fatalities, and an increase in tax revenues.
This report by the Uganda Harm Reduction Network discusses the impact of the HIV prevention and control act 2014 among people who use drugs and is working to identify and prioritize key interventions to reduce its negative effects in Uganda.