INCB postpones its 128th session, originally scheduled for May 2020


INCB postpones its 128th session, originally scheduled for May 2020

6 April 2020
Adrià Cots Fernández

On Friday 3 April, the INCB announced that it would be postponing the 128th session of the Board’s meeting, which was scheduled from 4 to 15 May 2020, in view of the COIVD-19 pandemic. The new dates for the postponed session are yet to be decided.

The INCB holds three sessions a year, typically in February, May, and November of each year. The dates and agenda of each session can be consulted here.

The open call for civil society to apply for a slot in the thematic INCB hearing on the use of drugs among older persons, which was meant to take place during the postponed session, will be kept open for the moment. It will also be relaunched once the new date is released.

On other COVID-19 related actions, in a 17 March press release the INCB called on governments to ensure that measures put in place to counter the pandemic do not disrupt the international supply chain of controlled medicines for pain relief, palliative care, and mental health and neurological conditions.


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  • International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)