INCB elections at ECOSOC


INCB elections at ECOSOC

9 May 2019
Christopher Hallam

At the 2019 Session, 12th & 13th Meetings (AM & PM) of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), some new members of the INCB were elected, and some of the present membership re-elected. Though countries are listed, Board members are mandated to serve in a personal capacity

New members were: A candidate nominated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Zuriswa Zingela (South Africa); and government nominations: César Tomás Arce Rivas (Paraguay) and Viviana Manrique Zuluaga (Colombia). Meanwhile, Jagjit Pavadia (India), Jallal Toufiq (Morocco) and Bernard Leroy (France) were re-elected. All of these individuals will take up or renew their seats on the Board in 2020.

Those not re-elected were Francisco Thoumi (Colombia), Viroj Sumyai (Thailand) – currently President of the Board – and Wei Hao (China).

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