The International Narcotics Control Board elects new President and Bureau


The International Narcotics Control Board elects new President and Bureau

23 May 2014

At its 110th session INCB will examine overall treaty compliance by selected countries; the supply of opiate raw materials and demand for opiates for medical and scientific purposes; as well as new psychoactive substances.

VIENNA, 19 May (UN Information Service) - The new President of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), Lochan Naidoo of South Africa, said today he was passionate about ensuring adequate prevention and treatment of addiction and the availability of internationally controlled medicines for pain treatment and for treating mental and neurological illness.

Mr. Naidoo was elected today, in accordance with the Board's rules of procedure and practice, at the Board's 110th session that is taking place in Vienna from 19 to 30 May. The INCB also elected the members of its Bureau. The new President underscored his commitment to fulfilling the INCB mandate of promoting and monitoring the implementation of the international drug control treaties, which, he noted, "is all the more challenging at a time of increased debate at the national and regional levels on drug policy, and as the international community prepares for the 2016 General Assembly Special Session on the world drug problem". "I am passionate about ensuring adequate prevention and treatment of addiction and the availability of internationally controlled medicines for pain treatment and for the treatment of mental and neurological illness worldwide," he said.

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