Debunk the INCB! – Video Campaign


Debunk the INCB! – Video Campaign

11 March 2014

The HCLU’s Drugreporter is launching a video campaign to debunk the offensive of the International Narcotics Control Board against drug policy reform initiatives.

The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) is almost as old as the global drug control system itself: it was created in 1961, the year when the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs was signed by UN member states. This treaty banned the non-scientific and non-medical use of some drugs (other than those popular in Western societies).

The INCB was created to monitor the implementation of the treaty and to ensure that illicit drugs are available for pain medication. The Single Convention is now more than 50 years old, but has never been evaluated. Without evidence to support the policies based on this convention, it has become dogma - holy text recited at the annual meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) - light-years away from the reality on the streets. The original purpose of the convention – to protect public health and human rights – has been obliterated.

Please click here to read the full article.

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