Obituary on Professor Hamid Ghodse


Obituary on Professor Hamid Ghodse

12 June 2013

On 2 January 2012, the President of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) announced that Professor Hamid Ghodse had passed away on 27 December 2012 after a short illness. Professor Ghodse has served as member of the INCB for over 20 years since 1992, and as its President during the periods 1993-1994, 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2005, 2008, and 2010-2011. He is remembered for his work on preventing drug use, promoting treatment, rehabilitation and social integration of people dependent on drugs, and encouraging States to ensure the adequate availability of drugs for medical use.

The current President of the INCB, Raymond Yans, said that the “international community has lost a true champion of the basic principle of preventing the damage that drug abuse does to our young people and our societies, by always upholding the ideal of promoting the health and welfare of mankind, as enshrined in the international drug control conventions.” Read his full statement for further details.

Professor Ghodse presented himself as a 'civilising influence' on the more extreme elements on the INCB over the last two decades, and there is no doubt that this was at times the case. Coming from a background in the treatment of drug dependence, he always had a more sophisticated grasp of health issues - such as essential medicines and harm reduction - than most of his colleagues.

We have of course often disagreed with Professor Ghodse on policy and procedural issues, and had been concerned at his long tenure on what is meant to be a constantly evolving Board, but he has always been gracious and charming in his dealings with us. We therefore join others in passing our condolences and best wishes to his family.


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  • International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)