Survey - Audit of the Global Fund country coordinating mechanism


Survey - Audit of the Global Fund country coordinating mechanism

9 October 2015
Global Fund

The Global Fund is currently conducting an audit of its Country Coordinating Mechanisms. The overall objective of the audit is to evaluate the role and effectiveness of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) for the Global Fund grants. This will include, but not limited to, assessing:

  • the adequacy of the CCM model in coordinating and overseeing in-country grants; and
  • the operational effectiveness of the CCMs, including policies and processes in place at the Global Fund Secretariat and at the country level.

As part of the process, the Global Fund is conducting a survey for civil society organizations and key populations to get their valuable input to make the Global Fund CCMs more effective. Please find below the link to the CCM audit questionnaire. Please respond to the questionnaire by Thursday, 15 October 2015.

CCM Questionnaire for CSOs and Key Population (English version)

Questionnaire destiné aux organisations de la société civile et aux populations clés (French version)

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