
Job offer in HIV/AIDS Asia Regional Program for Advisor

28 November 2012

The HIV/AIDS Asia Regional Program (HAARP) is an Australian Government (AusAID) funded program that works to effectively implement harm reduction strategies to reduce the spread of HIV associated with drug use among men and women in South East Asia and China.

HAARP has a strong focus on service delivery and aims to scale up coverage at the local and provincial levels and contribute to Universal Access Targets. It is implemented in Burma (Myanmar), Viet Nam, Cambodia and Lao PDR. Country Programs (CPs) are managed by the AusAID posts and are implemented through a range of government, UN and civil society partners.

The objectives of this Consultancy are to design, develop and/or strengthen the monitoring and evaluation systems and structures of HAARP Country programs over 2013-2015 and to provide monitoring and evaluation support of the HAARP program to the regional HAARP team based in Bangkok.

The tasks of the Advisor will be:

  • Develop a HAARP M&E framework for the years 2013-2015. Ensure that this framework is user-friendly and the activities are replicable in all countries. The framework will comprise of two sections -–regional and country level M&E systems with an increased focus on the latter.
  • Develop all documents to implement the M&E process. The task will include the review of the current tools used at all stages of HAARP implementation from peer educators to HAARP implementing agency managers.
  • Build basic capacity of national staff in M&E. Of particular importance is the capacity building and mentoring of HAARP CSU staff members who will be managing the country programs. One designated staff in each CSU will be tasked with M&E activities. The consultant will work closely with this staff

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