Forum Droghe - Description and activities


Forum Droghe - Description and activities

30 April 2012

Forum Droghe is involved in the reform of drug policies from a pragmatic and evidence-based perspective.

Since it was established in 1995, Forum Droghe has acquired a large amount of knowledge and expertise, particularly in the field of harm reduction policies in European countries.
It has sponsored or co-sponsored many conferences and seminars all over Italy. After the 2006 tough on drugs shift, it has been lobbying for a new drug law to replace the current legislation. In recent years, Forum droghe has also promoted research in the following fields:

  • the evaluation of the drug legislation on its impact on the prison and justice system, publishing the First (2009) and Second (2011) White Books on the Fini Giovanardi law.
  • the study of “controlled” use of drugs, in particular cocaine, and the development of an innovative prevention approach within the Harm Reduction model.

Until 2009, Forum droghe has published Fuoriluogo, distributed as a monthly supplement to the national daily paper il Manifesto (where it still publishes a weekly op ed). Fuoriluogo, which is now available on line, deals specifically with drug policies, justice and law enforcement at both national and international level. One of its main objectives is producing information on the most innovative drug policies carried out in European countries. provides reliable and up to date information and documentation on a wide variety of issues (drug legislation, imprisonment of addicts and therapeutic alternatives to incarceration, cannabis decriminalization, cannabis and science, harm reduction practices, medical cannabis etc.).

Forum droghe also publishes Quaderni di Fuoriluogo, a series of thematic papers.