Observer les questions sanitaires liées au cannabis au Colorado : 2016


Observer les questions sanitaires liées au cannabis au Colorado : 2016

14 février 2017

Le Département de la Santé Publique du Colorado a publié une revue systématique, en étudiant les changements dans les modes de consommation et les effets possibles du cannabis sur la santé.

Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) was given statutory (In 25-1.5-110, C.R.S.) responsibility to:

  • “... monitor changes in drug use patterns, broken down by county and race and ethnicity, and the emerging science and medical information relevant to the health effects associated with marijuana use.”

Patterns of drug use are typically determined by using population-based surveys that ask specific questions about substance use. Colorado has created and manages several population-based surveys to assess the prevalence of a variety of health conditions and behaviors of specific populations. In addition, there are a few national surveys that collect state level data on marijuana use. The data from these surveys are compiled here to meet the reporting requirements set forth in 25-1.5-110, C.R.S. These data also have been presented to the Retail Marijuana Public Health Advisory Committee, which was charged with the duties outlined in 25-1.5-110, C.R.S. to “...establish criteria for studies to be reviewed, reviewing studies and other data, and making recommendations, as appropriate, for policies intended to protect consumers of marijuana or marijuana products and the general public.”

Reviewing marijuana use patterns in Colorado provides important insight to the committee members as they consider public health recommendations.

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