Défendre les services d’injection supervisée


Défendre les services d’injection supervisée

23 mai 2016
Ahmed M. Bayoumi

Ce document explique pourquoi la mise en œuvre des services d'injection supervisée a été plongée dans la controverse alors qu’ils ont démontré des effets positifs sur la santé. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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More than 90 supervised injection services (SIS) operate globally, most within eight European countries, one in Australia, and two in Vancouver, Canada. SIS are legally sanctioned spaces where people can inject illegal drugs, typically heroin or cocaine, under the supervision of trained health staff and without fear of prosecution. These services allow safer injection, are associated with decreased overdoses, facilitate referrals for drug treatment, and benefit public order. In response to the increase in opioid use and associated harms, activists and officials in Canada, the USA, Scotland, and Ireland are exploring supervised injection services, but implementation is controversial.

Click here to read the full article (restricted access).

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Thumbnail: Flickr Zaldylmg