
Rapport sur le Dialogue informel de TNI/Diogenis sur les politiques des drogues de 2013

21 août 2013

Les participants se sont rassemblés à Varsovie pour discuter de la politique en matière de drogues en Pologne, de la Stratégie et du Plan d’Action de l’Union Européenne, des réformes des politiques sur le cannabis et la dépénalisation et de la 56èmesession de la Commission des Stupéfiants. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous en anglais.

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The tenth meeting of the Informal Drug Policy Dialogue series, organised by the Transnational Institute (TNI) and Association Diogenis, took place in Warsaw, Poland, gathering over 35 NGO representatives, academics, policy makers and practitioners. The Dialogue comprised five major sessions on drug policy.

During the first session, participants discussed the current state of drug policy in Poland. The second session focused on the new European Union (EU) Drug Strategy for 2013-2020 and its Action Plan for 2013-2016. Thirdly, participants discussed cannabis policy reform movements worldwide, with a special focus on the legal regulation of cannabis markets in US states Colorado and Washington and the Uruguayan bill on cannabis policy. In the following session, participants shared their experience and expertise on different models of decriminalisation, with a specific focus on Poland, Italy and the Czech Republic. The final session of theDialogue provided updates on the 56th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), which was held from 11th to 15th March 2013 in Vienna, Austria.

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