Légalisation du cannabis au Canada - Trudeau mis en garde contre le risque de collision avec des traités internationaux


Légalisation du cannabis au Canada - Trudeau mis en garde contre le risque de collision avec des traités internationaux

18 janvier 2016

Malgré le grandissant mouvement en faveur de la légalisation du cannabis, le nouveau Premier Ministre canadien devrait avoir du mal à faire adopter une telle loi en raison des restrictions de trois traités internationaux. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The Liberal government will have to do substantial work on the international stage before it can follow through on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s promise to legalize marijuana, new documents suggest.

That work will have to include figuring out how Canada would comply with three international treaties to which the country is a party, all of which criminalize the possession and production of marijuana.

Trudeau’s plan to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana is already proving a complicated and controversial undertaking on the domestic front, in part because it requires working with the provinces.

Internationally, says a briefing note prepared for the prime minister, Canada will also have to find a way to essentially tell the world how it plans to conform to its treaty obligations.

Click here to read the full article.

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