Inclusión de las personas transgénero en los servicios de alcohol y drogas


Inclusión de las personas transgénero en los servicios de alcohol y drogas

22 febrero 2017

ScottishTrans ha elaborado un informe que se centra en el consumo de alcohol y otras drogas por parte de personas transgénero, cómo interactúa la identidad trans con dicho consumo, y las inquietudes que les genera ponerse en contacto con servicios especializados o utilizarlos. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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This report details the findings of a survey conducted by the Scottish Trans Alliance into transgender inclusion in drug and alcohol services. The survey was open to any trans person living in Scotland. For the purpose of the survey, trans was identified as:

“an umbrella term for all people whose gender identity or gender expression is different to the one assigned to them at birth, including trans men, trans women, non-binary people, and cross-dressing people.”

The survey focused on three main areas; people’s use of alcohol or other drugs, the way in which their trans identity impacted on their use of alcohol or other drugs, and their concerns about approaching or experiences of using specialist services.

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