Mejora de la prestación de tratamientos de drogas y alcohol para personas LGBT


Mejora de la prestación de tratamientos de drogas y alcohol para personas LGBT

12 junio 2014

Este estudio exploratorio se propuso analizar cómo podrían los servicios de tratamiento de drogas y alcohol satisfacer mejor las necesidades de las personas LGBT. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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This scoping study set out to examine how drug and alcohol treatment services could better meet the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual & trans (LGBT) people. It sought to explore models of provision, and mechanisms for improved strategic inclusion of LGBT people when planning and delivering drug and alcohol support services.

Higher levels of both drug and alcohol use have been reported within LGBT populations, although these groups report being less likely to engage in traditional substance misuse services, citing lack of understanding of the substance use and cultural needs amongst the barriers. This scoping study set out to investigate ways in which this imbalance might be addressed, ensuring that LGBT people have access to high quality, responsive, and inclusive treatment and support services.

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