Cribando la información: un enfoque etnográfico de cómo los jóvenes interpretan las evidencias sobre el cannabis


Cribando la información: un enfoque etnográfico de cómo los jóvenes interpretan las evidencias sobre el cannabis

10 diciembre 2013

Este estudio demuestra que es viable implicar a los y las jóvenes en iniciativas destinadas a sus iguales.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Contradictory evidence on cannabis adds to the climate of confusion regarding the health harms related to use. This is particularly true for young people as they encounter and make sense of opposing information on cannabis. Knowledge translation (KT) is in part focused on ensuring that knowledge users have access to and understand best evidence; yet, little attention has focused on the processes youth use to weigh scientific evidence. There is growing interest in how KT efforts can involve knowledge users in shaping the delivery of youth-focused public health messages. To date, the youth voice has been largely absent from the creation of public health messages on cannabis.

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