Nueva Zelanda: una nueva ley podría obligar a más personas con dependencias de drogas y alcohol a someterse a tratamiento obligatorio


Nueva Zelanda: una nueva ley podría obligar a más personas con dependencias de drogas y alcohol a someterse a tratamiento obligatorio

20 marzo 2017

Un cambio en la ley permite que una tercera parte solicite que una persona se someta a un tratamiento obligatorio de hasta 16 semanas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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By Rachel Thomas

More drug and alcohol addicts could be forced into treatment programmes as the result of a recent law change, which has raised questions about whether rehabilitation centres will be able to cope.

The Substance Addiction Act became law last week. It simplifies the process for police, health services and loved ones to force those locked in a cycle of substance abuse into compulsory treatment.

But Wellington addiction clinician Roger Brooking said is was unclear whether the health sector could cope with a spike in rehab patients given there were only four approved centres across the country, and those centres were already full.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Mariela M.