
Results 13 to 24 of 25
16 January 2012

AHRN unveils new Strategic Plan

Following a thorough review of its old structure and operations, AHRN has developed a new set of objectives that will guide its work over the coming years.
16 January 2012

Fixerum - Mobile Injection Room in Copenhagen

Denmark has one of the highest overdose death rates in the European Union. Contrary to common beliefs overdose is a preventable cause of the death and its prevention does not cost a lot of money: you need to provide skills and tools for preventing lives and a safe environment to use drugs.
17 January 2012

Dutch to ban Khat

In keeping with the regressive turn that the Dutch drug policy has taken under its conservative coalition government, the government said it will ban khat, a plant used by people from the Horn of Africa and the Arabian peninsula for its mild stimulant properties.
17 January 2012

Peru Fires Reformist Drug Czar

Ricardo Soberon, the reformist head of DEVIDA, the Peruvian drug agency, has been fired and replaced. Soberon made waves last August when he implemented a temporary ban on forced eradication of coca plants, taking the US Embassy by surprise, but that was soon reversed on the orders of his boss, Interior Minister Oscar Valdes.
23 January 2012

Bolivia signs anti-drug deal with US and Brazil

Bolivia has signed an agreement with the US and Brazil to help reduce the production of illegal cocaine. The US and Brazil will provide technical assistance, including satellite monitoring of coca crops.