Décriminaliser l’usage de drogues : Pourquoi c’est important pour le Ghana


Décriminaliser l’usage de drogues : Pourquoi c’est important pour le Ghana

20 mars 2017

Ane-Loglo avance un argument fondé sur des données scientifiques en ce qui concerne la nécessité d’aller vers une nouvelle approche politique pour faire face à la consommation de drogues au Ghana. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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WACSeries Volume 2, Issue 2

There is a significant academic debate about decriminalization of marijuana in the country, and this has received some degree of political and public support. Some have argued that decriminalization will open a floodgate for drug use in the country, while others (like myself ), do not agree and see it instead as the best way to reduce drug use in the country. In practice, repressive drug laws have neither succeeded in reducing drug consumption nor put traffickers out of their lucrative business. Instead, these laws have only driven and expanded the trade underground.

This is a massive failure. This situation has not only stigmatized people who use drugs, it has also led to misguided and harmful policy making. It has also contributed to an ongoing concerted effort to overstate the dangers of drugs – the primary actors being politicians, law enforcement agencies, and ill-informed media – and led to a situation where billions of people are unable to access essential medicines for pain relief and palliative care.

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