
L’application des lois sur la drogue et les stratégies d’investigation financières

27 septembre 2013

Ce rapport offre une vue d’ensemble concernant les étapes positive et négatives pouvant être entreprises dans le cadre des stratégies de maintien de l’ordre sur la drogue et des investigations financières. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Modernising drug law enforcement - Report 5

Since the 1980s, there has been a major push in rhetoric and institution-building, emphasizing the centrality of attacking the financial lifeblood of drug trafficking networks and organised economic crimes. Much progress has been made in legislation and the creation of financial intelligence units.

However, easier guidance is needed on how to get information overseas, and delays in international cooperation lead to under-exploitation of financial investigation opportunities. This report makes no claim to be offering a certain route to success, but is offering an overview of some better and some false steps that have been undertaken in the field of drug law enforcement and financial investigation strategies.

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