Les programmes de réduction des risques : Sauver des vies parmi les usagers de drogues injectables


Les programmes de réduction des risques : Sauver des vies parmi les usagers de drogues injectables

19 juillet 2017

ONUSIDA a réalisé une série de vidéos pour attirer l’attention sur la réduction des risques et appeler à offrir des services de réduction des risques à tous ceux qui en ont besoin. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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People who inject drugs are among the key populations most at risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV. Yet they are also among those with the least access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services, because their drug use is often stigmatized and criminalized.

Estimates show that worldwide there are approximately 12 million people who inject drugs, 1.6 million (14%) of whom are living with HIV and 6 million (50%) of whom are living with hepatitis C. HIV prevalence among women who inject drugs is often greater than among their male peers. UNAIDS estimates that 140 000 people who inject drugs were newly infected with HIV globally in 2014 and there was no decline in the annual number of new HIV infections among people who inject drugs between 2010 and 2014.

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