Les villes hollandaises renouvèlent leur appel à la régulation de la culture du cannabis.


Les villes hollandaises renouvèlent leur appel à la régulation de la culture du cannabis.

21 juin 2016

Près de 90 pourcent des municipalités hollandaises soutiennent un appel au gouvernement pour autoriser des expérimentations de régulation de la culture du cannabis. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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By Janene Pieters - NL Times

Almost 90 percent of Dutch municipalities support a call on the government to allow experiments with regulated cannabis cultivation, was revealed in a vote at the association of Dutch municipalities VNG’s annual conference on Wednesday.

Currently it is legal in the Netherlands to sell soft-drugs, but illegal to cultivate them on a large scale or supply them. The municipalities believe this plays into the hands of criminals. Instead they want the cultivation and sale of soft drugs like cannabis to be in the hands of permit holders. According to the municipalities, this would allow better action against illicit cannabis cultivation and sales, as well as the serious crime that often accompanies it.

According to NRC, the VNG wants to put pressure on the government with this joint call, which should carry more sway than previous calls by only a few mayors. By renewing the call now, the VNG hopes to make regulated cannabis cultivation a theme for the next parliamentary election, happening next year.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Brian Stalter