Voici comment les jeunes artistes voient la guerre contre la drogue: Les gagnants du concours d’affiches de Drugreporter


Voici comment les jeunes artistes voient la guerre contre la drogue: Les gagnants du concours d’affiches de Drugreporter

22 avril 2016

Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter les cinq meilleures affiches présentées au concours d'affiches de Drugreporter dans le cadre de l'UNGASS sur la drogue de 2016! Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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By Drug Reporter

We are glad to present the five best posters submitted to Drug Reporter's poster contest targeting the UNGASS on drugs this year!

We are especially delighted that all these five posters were produced by young artists from different parts of the world - please have a look at the posters with the short intro sent by the authors!

1. The Winner of the Contest: "A Useless War" by Flavio Velluti, Uruguay

Prohibitionism is failing, leaving nothing but damage and waste of resources. This allegorical illustration explains the simplistic and ridiculous character of the prohibitionist system. Aiming for a critical view, an almost childlike drawing emphasises the simplicity of the system and ridicules its methods, represented by the monotonous and far-reaching arms. The current situation does not allow society to continue on this path, and requires the regulation of the market as an alternative to defeated prohibition.

Click here to read the full article.

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