Quand la police s'était prononcée en faveur d'une réforme des politiques des drogues


Quand la police s'était prononcée en faveur d'une réforme des politiques des drogues

31 mars 2016

Jason Reed (LEAP UK) a présenté une série d’articles médiatiques lors du lancement de LEAP UK. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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By Jason Reed

February 29th was LEAP Day – this rare occurrence provided with the opportunity to do something different. What could be more different than a collection of police, military, magistrates, MPs, public figures and supporters joining together and taking a stand for drug law reform?

LEAP UK officially launched in the House of Commons, with a room full of engaged participants. A collection of media has been gathered from the day. Here’s what people had to say about LEAP Day and the subject of drug policy reform:

Sir Richard Branson welcomed LEAP UK and stood for reform

Click here to read the full article.

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