Une nouvelle loi en Grèce condamnera certains trafiquants de drogues à la prison à perpétuité


Une nouvelle loi en Grèce condamnera certains trafiquants de drogues à la prison à perpétuité

11 novembre 2015

Les trafiquants de drogue impliqués dans du trafic qui apporterait des bénéfices de plus de 75 000 euros seront condamnés à la prison à vie quel que soit le nombre d'accusés impliqués, selon une nouvelle décision du Plénum de la Cour Suprême ce jeudi. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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By Anastassios Adamopoulos

Drug dealers involved in trafficking that would bring profits of more than 75,000 euros will be sentenced to life imprisonment regardless of the number of the accused, according to a new ruling of the Supreme Court plenum on Tuesday. The decision will now be used as a precedent in all cases involving drugs.

Greece’s penal code imposes life imprisonment to professional drug dealers who are caught with drugs worth more than 75,000 euros. In the case examined by the country’s top court, the lawyers of two Albanian nationals, who were arrested for possession and trafficking, were apprehended with more than 3 kilos of cocaine worth 85,000 euros. Subsequently the police found another 30,000 euros and 3 kilos of cocaine in the defendants homes, their lawyers tried to break up the total amount of profits found, so that they could avoid the harsher sentence. The court dismissed their proposal.

The judges held that when more than one accused sells drugs judges must not take into account the monetary benefit they each expected but the entire amount.

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