Las mujeres arrastradas al comercio de drogas necesitan asistencia jurídica temprana


Las mujeres arrastradas al comercio de drogas necesitan asistencia jurídica temprana

27 junio 2016
Open Society Foundations (OSF)

Las mujeres pobres y marginalizadas son especialmente susceptibles de arrastradas al comercio de drogas. El Gobierno indonesio ignora las condiciones que llevan a la gente corriente a involucrarse en el tráfico de sustancias. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Rani Andriani was just 23 when she was sentenced to death for trafficking three-and-a-half kilograms of heroin. From a family of modest means in West Java, she had been a bright high school student and a dedicated daughter. Young, naïve, and under the financial stress that affects so many village families, she was lured by the false promises of a drug syndicate and became a drug mule.

After serving 15 years in prison for drug trafficking, Rani was executed in January 2015, along with five other drug offenders.

Poor and marginalized women like Rani are vulnerable to being sucked into the drug trade, usually as mules. Yet in its eagerness to address the drug problem, the Indonesian government ignores the conditions that trigger the involvement of everyday people in drug trafficking.

Click here to read the full article.

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