Terminology and information on drugs - Third edition


Terminology and information on drugs - Third edition

15 March 2016
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Ahead of next week's Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the April 2016 UNGASS on the World Drug Problem, UNODC have published its newly updated third edition of the manual 'Terminology and Information on Drugs'. This edition of the publication - the first revision since 2003 - offers a much needed and timely resource, given the evolution and changes in drug markets in recent years.

The content of the manual reflects the need to provide accurate and evidence-based information on the range of substances of abuse; from plant-based drugs such as cocaine and heroin, to synthetic substances such as methamphetamine. It also reflects scheduling decisions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in recent years and as such introduces information on newly emerging groups of substances such as synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists.

Highlighting the relevance of the publication and its release at such a key point in time, UNODC's Director for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, Jean-Luc Lemahieu, noted: "This updated publication reflects the many changes in drug markets since the last revision and is a timely resource for both experts and non-experts. It is a key tool within this area and one which I am certain will be widely used by all working on issues related to the topic".

Intended for a wide audience and formatted as an accessible and user friendly resource, the publication covers basic concepts and information on substances under international control including definitions of scientific terms, common street names, commonly used forms, routes of administration, and desired or adverse effects.

Click here for more information.

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