The HIV epidemic among injecting drug users in Greece during the economic crisis


The HIV epidemic among injecting drug users in Greece during the economic crisis

29 January 2014

Almost two years have passed since the Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that the number of people who live with HIV has in-creased among injecting drug users (IDUs). In the meantime, a coordinated and effective response mechanism to deal with the phenomenon should have been introduced, although we are well aware that the effects of interventions in such epidemics are not easily visible right away. What happened and no satisfactory progress was made in the plans and strategies that were com-prehensively described in detailed reports and findings of competent bodies in Greece, as well as of experts from the European Union and the international community?

The current briefing paper aims to address this issue; it draws up a brief history of the course of a serious problem for public health and human rights, together with the efforts to tackle the problem; it cites the views of competent state bodies and institutions actively involved in offering services to injecting drug users; finally, it openly calls towards all directions, so as for slop-piness, exploitation of the phenomenon for petty political reasons and stigmatisation of people who live in difficult conditions, to stop. What is needed is thorough analysis of the facts, ac-countability, consultation, collaboration, short-, medium- and long-term objectives and frequent assessments.

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