CND Intersessional Meeting


CND Intersessional Meeting

5 December 2016

As approved by its 59th Reconvened Session, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will hold a second round of thematic discussions on the implementation of the UNGASS Outcome Document. The first round took place during two intersessional meetings, held on 10-11 October and 27-28 October. The agenda for the event is available here.

The Vienna NGO Committee (VNGOC) is coordinating civil society contributions to these discussions

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will host a number of thematic discussions on the implementation of the outcome document (English, Français, Español, العربية,中文, русский) of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem on 23-25 January 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

NGOs are encouraged to work through the VNGOC to coordinate contributions, in order to ensure an inclusive, comprehensive and meaningful civil society participation.
Similar to the intersessional meetings in October 2016, these discussions will focus on concrete actions for the international community and various stakeholders at various levels to implement the UNGASS outcome document.

2-4 NGO contributions per UNGASS outcome document chapter can be accommodated. With a view to having an interactive discussion, H.E. Ambassador Pedro Moitinho, CND Facilitator on post-UNGASS 2016, has agreed to call, if possible, for statements by NGOs during the thematic discussions.

All 7 chapters of the outcome document will be discussed during the meeting.

In order to apply for a speaking slot, please fill out the following form by 8 January 2017:

Please note than no funding is available to cover your travel and accommodation to Vienna. In case your organisation cannot cover your travel costs, please apply for a video message.

These meetings will be web cast on the CND post-UNGASS web site.

Also, there is the opportunity to submit the statements delivered and others directly related to the implementation of the UNGASS outcome document recommendations for posting on this web site. The VNGOC will coordinate the posting of the former, while others may be submitted to the CND Secretariat directly.

The first CND thematic intercessional of this fall will be held,

26 - 28 September 2017
starting at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
at the Vienna International Centre in Board-Room C
(4th floor of the C-Building)

According to the CND work plan, the intersessional meetings will include thematic discussions on the implementation of the operational recommendations contained in the seven chapters of the UNGASS outcome document, one day per chapter, with a focus on international cooperation and technical assistance needs and opportunities; At the September sessions Chapter 1, 2 and 4 will be discussed. Interpretation into all official languages of the United Nations will be available during the meetings.

All organisations in consultative status with ECOSOC are invited to send observers. Please send in your registration to with your full name and your organisations full name no later than 20 September 2017 so that ground passes can be issued.

N.b. no funding is available to support participation in the event. Delegates will have to cover their own expenses.

These meetings will be web cast on the CND post-UNGASS web site.

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Vienna, Austria
Start22 January 2017
End24 January 2017

