
The impact of parental substance misuse on children’s educational attainment

3 November 2010

The University of Glasgow is organising a conference focusing on drug and alcohol misuse in families and its impact on educational attainment. The conference will be of interest to anyone working with children and young people who are affected by drug or alcohol misuse.

Objectives of the conference

  • Explore current issues and trends
  • Gain practical information and take home messages which you can implement in your work setting
  • Hear from different professional perspectives
  • Consider a new research in this area
  • Consider new approaches to supporting children
  • Participate in debate and discussion

The participants will be delivered certificates of attendance at the end of the event.


1-9 Grosvenor Terrace, Great Western Road, Glasgow G12 0TA

For more information or to request a conference leaflets, please contact the conference office on 0141 201 9353/0674/9264.

Glasgow, Scotland
Date1 December 2010
