Hepatitis C: Access to prevention, testing, treatment and care for people who use drugs


Hepatitis C: Access to prevention, testing, treatment and care for people who use drugs

27 October 2014


Hepatitis C: Access to Prevention, Testing, Treatment and Care for People who Use Drugs

Hepatitis C is a Major Global Public Health Problem! THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!

Hepatitis C statistics and policy facts:

  • 150 million people worldwide are living with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV), of those infected, nine million are living in the European region.
  • The burden of HCV is concentrated among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Europe, with HCV antibody prevalence ranging from 80% in Finland to over 90% in Estonia. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified people who inject drugs as a key target group for HCV prevention and treatment.
  • In January 2014, the first all oral HCV treatments providing cure rates of up to 98% in clinical trials were approved by the European Commission.
  • In spite of European guidelines recommending treatment access people who use drugs still face considerable barriers to, and are frequently denied, access to the newly approved HCV treatment regimens.
  • The scale-up of HCV treatment access to people who inject drugs has the potential to significantly reduce the number of new infections and the prevalence in the population, acting as an effective preventative measure.

Major European and international agencies working in, or involved with health and drugs, such as WHO, UNODC, UNAIDS, EMCDDA and ECDC consider viral hepatitis, especially among people who inject drugs, a serious public health problem.

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